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Can't Play CS Demo; Steam

Posted: 22 Mar 2005, 07:57
by sUi
Hey all,
I'm trying this program, which sounds to be great. Let's say I have a .dem file here, recorded earlier today. The demo is of CS 1.6 (steam cs, not 1.5). I'd like to replay it with this program, but when I try to add it into the playlist editor, it does not show up (it's configured for HL:CS

Also, if I try to double click on the .dem itself, I get a little window asking for playback speed, but there is no way to get rid of it.

Any help is appreciated,


Posted: 22 Mar 2005, 08:33
by sUi
Ok I fixed that, now when CS loads, the console comes up saying:
couldn't exec seis_base.cfg
couldn't exec seismovision.cfg
Playing demo from seismovision.dem.
ERROR: couldn't open
I saw this on other topics, and from what I see there is no fix (at the moment), but could possibly be fixed in a later version?

Posted: 21 May 2005, 09:40
by OomJan
This problem was fixed in Seismovision v2.27, at least it should have been. What version where you guys using? You cannot add HL demos into the play list editor. Only with Seismovision 3 you can do that as play lists are supported.


Posted: 05 Sep 2005, 05:13
by Matt
please help here i changed my format on my demos and without installing this program i change the format to wmp some how and what and how do i change the format to play it on?

Posted: 22 Sep 2005, 20:46
by OomJan
Did you change the format or just renamed the file? WMP sounds like a video file to me. Use Windows Media Player (WMP). Please give me some detail here. Step-by-step what you did.