Here is my tutorial that i wrote some time ago for Seismovision, it is not complete but should give you a good start. This works with almost all games based on the Quake 3 Arena engine (eg, CoD, SoF2, RtCW...). I used Quake 3 Arena in this tutorial as an example.
Also download this nifty program that will help you: ...
1. Making sure
First of all we have to make sure that we have got everything stated above otherwise we might have problems later on. Before we actually starting we still have to do some stuff first. We have to clear out the screenshots directory and learn the demo recoring controls of OJ's Movie Config.
2. Preparing directories
We have to clear out the screenshot directorires first before we start recording because our first ouput will be as screenshots (TGA format). Clear out the screenshot directories of the mods you want to use. Go to your Quake 3 Arena directory then into your mod directory and then into the screenshot directory. If you have no such directory then create it, otherwise clear out all files in that directory and move them to a different place on your hard drive. Place the program 'bmp2avi.exe' into the screenshots directory. Okay, the directories for recoring are prepared. Start Seismovision and goto the Quake 3 Arena option menu and select 'OJs Movie.cfg' from the config menu. Close Seismovision.
3. Learing the recording controls
We have to learn the controls of the OJ's Movie Config out of our head (you might want to make a print out of this document in case you forget). The config is similar to the Seismovision v2.20 config just without the echoing and recording controls. Below are the controls:
F1 -> Records at 25 frames per second
F2 -> Stops Recording
Left Arrow -> Decrease Playback Speed by 0.1 below 1.0 and by halve above 1.0 (Minimum 0.0)
Right Arrow -> Increase Playback Speed by 0.1 below 1.0 and doubles above 1.0 (Maximum 128.0)
Up Arrow -> Normal Playback Speed (1.0)
Down Arrow -> Freezes demo (pictures freezes, but demo continues at slow pace)
Numpad 0 -> Quit Game
Numpad 1 -> 3rd Person left pan
Numpad 2 -> Toggle Timer
Numpad 3 -> 3rd Person right pan
NumPad 4 -> Restart Demo
Numpad 5 -> Toggle Third-person mode
Numpad 6 -> Take Sceenshot
Numpad 7 -> Decrease in game Volume
Numpad 8 -> Mute Volume
Numpad 9 -> Increase in game Volume
Numpad Minus (-) -> Display Score (where possible)
Home -> Decrease 3rd Person Range
End -> Increase 3rd Person Range
We are going to record in maximum detail at 640x480 with 16bit. Details of field of view and other stuff is taken from your config.
4. The recording
Remember that sound is not recorded when recording. We are going to record sequnce to sequence (one recording at a time). Double-Click on the demo that you want to record out of. Go to the part you want to record and make sure you have the correct timescalse set if so then Press F1 to start recording and press F2 to stop recording. When recording your frame rate will be very low but it does not affect the recording. Press Ins (0) on the key numpad to exit the demo. A TGA sequnce is complete.
5. The TGA Compilation
Use bmp2avi to make a movie sequence and use a movie editor to make a cut the sequences together. After compiling a sequence, clear you screenshot dirtory again and do the next sequence.
>> Hope this helps, have fun!