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Seismovision AND CoD4 demo controls

Posted: 27 Nov 2007, 22:46
by efX
Hello guys,

let me introduce myself abit. Im Roy, 20 years young, and from the netherlands. Im currently playing for BRBR, number 1 ranked at CoD2 CTF ladder.

Well now to the point:

I found out a way to play CoD4 demos with seismovision AND im able to use the demo controls as well. Wondering if the seismovision developers can use this information.

U can always contact me by PM or send me an email!

Best of luck with this great program.



demo controls

Posted: 17 Dec 2007, 13:47
by mistere01
I want to know how to do it to. :D
If you can post it here so everybody can do it,
this would be great. :lol:

Re: Seismovision AND CoD4 demo controls

Posted: 27 Feb 2008, 15:35
by OomJan
Workaround was implemented in Seismovision v3.02. Download Seismovision v3.03 BETA or later or

Demo controls can be activated by pressing Keypad 4 shortly after the demo has started to play. Technical details: After pressing Keypad 4, the game load a small map in developer mode and then reloads the demos. By doing this, 'cheat' mode is activated which is required by the demo controls.

Re: Seismovision AND CoD4 demo controls

Posted: 07 Feb 2015, 09:14
by Royal000
it says something about timescale being set to cheat free or something... does that have something to do with it? if so how do i fix it?

Re: Seismovision AND CoD4 demo controls

Posted: 16 Feb 2015, 03:48
by Ptaszynka
I want to know how to do it to.
If you can post it here so everybody can do it,
this would be amazing :)