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ra3 compmode demo playback breaking up

Posted: 20 Nov 2007, 22:33
by anubis.genix

normal recorded and demos made with autoaction work perfect as long as i try to play demos made in competition mode. the demo works in warmup mode until everyone ready-up so the actual match can start. the counter runs from 10 to 0 and suddenly seismovision/quake3 ends/breaks up.
demos recorded via autoection were made without warmup.
is it a bug or feature?

Posted: 23 Nov 2007, 16:41
by anubis.genix
setting cg_autoaction from 118 to 0 solved the problem

Re: ra3 compmode demo playback breaking up

Posted: 08 Apr 2015, 15:02
by axton
up so the actual match can start. the counter runs from 10 to 0 and suddenly seismovision/quake3 ends/breaks up.