I have got my quake 3 demo to correctly play and have noticed that in each of the different configs for quake 3 (each varying in graphics) there is a list of the default bindings to do certain things while watching your demo. Well, when I start the demo up it runs perfectly and I begin watching. According to the config the demo controls are as follows:
// Demo Controls:
// --------------
// Left Arrow -> Decrease Playback Speed by 0.1 below 1.0 and by halve above 1.0 (Minimum 0.0)
// Right Arrow -> Increase Playback Speed by 0.1 below 1.0 and doubles above 1.0 (Maximum 128.0)
// Up Arrow -> Normal Playback Speed (1.0)
// Down Arrow -> Freezes demo (pictures freezes, but demo continues at slow pace)
// Numpad 0 -> Quit Game
// Numpad 1 -> 3rd Person left pan
// Numpad 2 -> Toggle Timer
// Numpad 3 -> 3rd Person right pan
// NumPad 4 -> Restart Demo
// Numpad 5 -> Toggle Third-person mode
// Numpad 6 -> Take Sceenshot
// Numpad 7 -> Decrease in game Volume
// Numpad 8 -> Mute Volume
// Numpad 9 -> Increase in game Volume
// Numpad Minus (-) -> Display Score (where possible)
// Numpad Plus (+) -> Display Demo Control Help (where possible)
// Home -> Decrease 3rd Person Range
// End -> Increase 3rd Person Range
Well When I try any of these keys in game they dont do anything. They dont exit out of the playback process or do their specified control as said above. What could be the problem or am I missing a simple step to setup these controls?
Using the default config
Moderator: OomJan