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CoD4 demo thinks it's a CoD1 demo

Posted: 07 Dec 2007, 04:48
by mint
Hi there.

I've installed the beta 3.02, almost everything works as usual.
Here's a problem I've found:
Seismovision thinks that some cod4 demos are cod1 demos and cannot be loaded in the playlist or played. (you can not mix demo types -error msg)

At first I thought it was some sort of registry mixup so I went ahead and uninstalled seismovision and deleted all register posts. booted up and reinstalled the program, it still thinks some demos are cod1 demos (the same ones). It doesn't give me the error msg if I bring cod1 into the games list but I can't start it since it's a cod4 demo and not a cod1 demo. the mixed type error comes back again if I remove cod1 from the games list.

The demos all work when started from ingame.

here's a little work around for those of u who find themselves not being able to use arrowkeys for timescale.

in the seismovision cfg change this BOLD LETTERS:

// Restarts Demo
bind kp_leftarrow "DEVMAP MP_BACKLOT; DISCONNECT; vstr seis_PlayCurrentDemo;"

and then when you have loaded the demo u just hit 4 on the numpad and the map backlot will open and then the demo will reload and u can use the arrowkeys just like in cod2.

Posted: 09 Dec 2007, 15:18
by OomJan
Thanx for that information.

Can you send me one of those demos that are recognized as CoD1 please? E-Mail: [email protected]


Posted: 17 Dec 2007, 00:45
by mint

Posted: 18 Dec 2007, 11:48
by Bacbuk
OomJan wrote:Thanx for that information.

Can you send me one of those demos that are recognized as CoD1 please? E-Mail: [email protected]
Any news on this yet as I have the same problem?

Many thanks

Re: CoD4 demo thinks it's a CoD1 demo

Posted: 27 Feb 2008, 15:36
by OomJan
Problem has been fixed, download Seismovision v3.03 BETA or later: