Q2 Demo issue: ERROR: Couldn't Load Maps

Moderator: OomJan


Q2 Demo issue: ERROR: Couldn't Load Maps

Post by STR3T »

Aw man, I found an old stash of Q2 CTF demos and then I googled for a viewer...found this and was stoked...til I got the error message.

Grrr. I should know what's wrong, but haven't played Quake in so long, I've forgotten all the cfg and folder issues which it had....
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Post by OomJan »

What does the error message say?
Kevin Gardthausen, MCP MCAD MCSD.NET
http://www.nugardt.com - http://www.seismovision.net

Post by Guest »

Oh crap, thought I posted it.

Just: ERROR: Couldn't load maps\"mapname".bsp

Post by STR3T »

I noticed another person was having problems w/ running Q2 demo:


Now, I no longer have Q2 "installed" on my PC. Just have historically saved/moved all the Q2 folders/files from hard drive to hard drive over the past few years.

He says Q3 demos work fine...my guess is he has Q3 installed today...maybe not Q2.

I wonder if the game needs to be loaded in order to run demos properly?

Q2 itself runs just fine off of the folders, w/ out installing the game on your PC.
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Post by OomJan »

Try putting the ctf maps into the maps folder of baseq2. Someone told me that that helps.
Kevin Gardthausen, MCP MCAD MCSD.NET
http://www.nugardt.com - http://www.seismovision.net

Post by Guest »

Good hint, not exactly right, but you got me looking in the right spot....somehow I had ended up w/ two baseq2 folders. Hehe!