Bug report

Moderator: OomJan


Bug report

Post by Guest »

i am using quake 3 1.32, seismovision 2.23 light. everytime i play a demo and press the numpad 5 to change to 3rd person mode, i press again to change back, it doesn't work!

i tried changing the config files but the only way to chg back was to pull the console down and type "cg_thirdperson 0"

is there a fix for this?
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Post by OomJan »

I will check it and fix in the next BETA.
Kevin Gardthausen, MCP MCAD MCSD.NET
http://www.nugardt.com - http://www.seismovision.net

Post by Guest »

yeah, thanks, cos i think you missed something in the own-graphics.cfg.

the line where you type bind kp_5 "vstr seis_third_enable", it doesn't have a semi colon at the end of "enable;"

not sure whether it is the problem

also there are some parts of the config that i dont understand like the 3rd person range, distance and the playback controls.

also under what conditions then can i view the demo help and the scores?
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Post by OomJan »

I had a look today and found no problem. Can you send me the part of the config to me at [email protected] and I'll check it out.
Kevin Gardthausen, MCP MCAD MCSD.NET
http://www.nugardt.com - http://www.seismovision.net

Post by Guest »

OomJan wrote:I had a look today and found no problem. Can you send me the part of the config to me at [email protected] and I'll check it out.
i just found another something funny.
i ran the demo with a ; the the end, and the third person could not work.
den i removed the ; and it works. i rebooted and tried.
seems like if i put it there then remove it later then it works well.

strange isnt it?